EZ Strip Textured Coating Remover lets you take charge of
your ceilings! Remove outdated bumpy lumpy textures from your ceilings and
walls easily with EZ Strip!
EZ Strip TCR, some basic tools, and a
roll of plastic is all you need to take on this project!
Prep your room! Protect surfaces not being stripped with
plastic. This will also reduce your clean-up time!
Apply EZ Strip TCR with a brush in nice thick even strokes.
Test a small area first for set time. Set times will vary on thickness of
texture cover with plastic for set times over 4 hours.
Once softened carefully scrape off material with a tool
meant for use on drywall. A paint tray lined with plastic works great to catch
falling material. Tip: If material starts to dry out while working spritz with
water to reactivate.
Wipe surface clean with a rag damp with warm water. Allow
surface to completely dry before mud touch ups and paint. And that's it thank
you EZ Strip for making this room makeover DIY savvy! Learn more about how to do this project and more on the EZ Strip You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMrdG2e9pwkXkZr_s2z5oag