Trying to reduce costs by tackling your own home improvement projects? A do-it-yourself project can be an empowering way to save money and put your own personal touch on your home, provided you know what you're doing. But making even one simple mistake could put a strain on your back or your bank account. Often, it's best to put safety first by planning ahead, taking extra precautions, or when needed save the job for a professional.
Here are a few types of home improvement projects that are best left to the experts.
1. Plumbing or electrical projects

There's a reason these are skilled trades. Both systems are complex, no matter how straightforward a repair may initially appear. Even small leaks can cause serious water damage, and faulty electrical wiring can lead to a house fire. Don't risk flooding or electric shock. Leave these types of improvements to a plumber or an electrician to make sure these jobs are done right the first time.

Structural changes require a licensed contractor. Not only can shoddy craftsmanship severely affect your home's value, but it can also put your family in danger. Accidentally removing a load-bearing wall, for example, could cause an entire room to collapse. Why take the risk?
3. Repairs involving high heights

More than 130,000 ladder-related injuries are treated in emergency rooms each year. Whether you're looking at a roof repair or trimming a tree, consider calling a professional before attempting to complete the job yourself.
Remember, just because a DIY project looks simple doesn't necessarily mean it's safe. When in doubt err on the side of caution, plan ahead, and when needed leave it for a professional.
Want to find a home improvement project that is truly DIY friendly? Try one of these wallet-friendly and easy DIY projects for a new look, added home value, or just the sprucing up you've been looking for.
Here are some types of do it yourself home improvement projects that can be done safely with a little planning and knowledge.
1. Save the popcorn for the movies
What's on your ceiling? Few structural elements date a house more than popcorn ceilings. So dedicate some time to ditching the dated look and adding dollar signs to the value of your home. This is a project you can tackle yourself. EZ Strip Popcorn Ceiling Remover is the number one DIY friendly remover for painted drywall textures on our list find it here then simply scrape the popcorn away. Removing a popcorn ceiling may not seem like a big change but one of the keys for adding value to your home is to repair, replace or remove anything that could turn buyers away.
Here's a quick how to remove painted textures with EZ Strip!
Here's a quick how to refinish stairs with EZ Strip!
3. Cleanliness counts
Make the interior of you home shine from the moment someone walks through the door. Sometimes a top-to-bottom scrubbing is all your home really needs to change the look and feel of any room. Even if you clean your home regularly, there are nooks and crannies that you may miss or overlook. Do a room by room scan and tackle tough removal jobs like dried paint drips/permanent marker mistakes/stickers or tape glue residues/and more with safe cleaners that pack a punch, top on our DIY friendly remover list is EZ Strip All Purpose Remover to really make your home sparkle. Find it here
Here's a quick removal how to with EZ Strip!
4. Paint, paint, paint
One of the simplest, most cost-effective DIY home improvements of all is paint! Freshly painted rooms look clean and updated — and that spells value. When selecting paint colors, the world is your oyster get that fresh new look with a DIY friendly paint project! For a longer lasting paint finish start right by prepping the surface.
Here is a quick how to surface prep for paint with EZ Strip!
Easy DIY fixes can dramatically change the look or value of your home with a lot less cost but always plan ahead to make sure the project you take on is safe and truly DIY friendly! For more DIY friendly removal project ideas visit Thanks for reading!
Easy DIY fixes can dramatically change the look or value of your home with a lot less cost but always plan ahead to make sure the project you take on is safe and truly DIY friendly! For more DIY friendly removal project ideas visit Thanks for reading!
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